BradCliff Breathing Method & Respiratory Disorders: Latest News and Insights
Respiratory and Complementary Medicine - Know M.E. the podcast
- 18 November 2024
This episode features Tania Clifton-Smith and Megan Rodden discussing respiratory medicine and complementary approaches.
New ASTHMA Guidelines
- 15 November 2024
Spring is in the air in the southern hemisphere and so are many allergens !! In the northern hemisphere winter, sniffs and snuffles.
Meet our latest 2024 Scholarship Winners for Level 1!
- 31 July 2024
We're extremely passionate about meeting the huge need for health professionals trained to recognise and treat disordered breathing.
The rise and fall and rise of CO2 in Hyperventilation, breathing pattern disorders and Dysfunctional breathing
- 17 July 2024
The assessment of CO2 levels in breathing pattern disorders has gone through a few cycles ...
Athlete 3 phases of breath awareness
- 20 June 2024
The world’s top athletes are to meet in just over a month.
Meet our latest Level 1 scholarship winners for 2024
- 9 January 2024
Meeting the huge need for health professionals trained to recognise and treat disordered breathing.
How can we avoid the pre-Christmas stress mess?
- 8 December 2023
Simple tips from the Team at Bradcliff
Meet our latest Level 2 scholarship winners
- 18 September 2023
We're passionate about meeting the need for health professionals trained to recognise and treat disordered breathing.
Meet our latest Level 1 scholarship winners
- 10 August 2023
We're extremely passionate about meeting the huge need for health professionals trained to recognise and treat disordered breathing.
Learning to breathe
- 18 April 2023
For something so basic to health, good breathing doesn’t come naturally to most of us. Niki Bezzant finds out where we’re going wrong.
Spring is here in the southern hemisphere...
- 15 September 2022
... daffodils are out, the sun shines brighter and we hear the sound of newborn animals but that also means allergy season is rife.
Opera talent lost her voice after long Covid
- 8 August 2022
A battle with long Covid robbed soprano Christina Orjis of her singing ability...
Congratulations to another South African scholarship winner.
- 22 February 2022
Thank you for this fantastic opportunity of a scholarship to the Bradcliff Breathing course.
so appreciative to have received the scholarship ...
- 21 February 2022
We view the Bradcliff Course as the premium course available to physiotherapists in the respiratory field.
🎉 Congratulations for another scholarship winner!
- 16 February 2022
Thank you for the opportunity, Bradcliff Breathing Method!
Another Bradcliff Scholarship winner! 🎉
- 15 February 2022
".. so happy to be a recipient of the scholarship for the upcoming BradCliff Breathing course."
1st scholarship winner for 2022
- 11 February 2022
"thrilled to have been chosen for a BradCliff Scholarship"
A study of people with Panic Disorder
- 25 January 2022
People who consistently over-breathe and lose the power of the diaphragm, almost always end up feeling sick and anxious.
How can we avoid the pre-Christmas stress mess?
- 20 December 2021
A few tips to help deal with the stress and strains in this so-called time of ‘peace and goodwill’.
Why a simple breath is the key to our entire health
- 25 November 2021
We never give it a second thought, because it’s like, well, breathing...
Getting used to wearing a mask
- 24 November 2021
BradCliff Canadian associate Jess De Mars demonstrates how to wear a mask well without panicking.
Breath expert Tania Clifton-Smith reveals her secrets to breathing well
- 10 November 2021
In Tania Clifton-Smith's new book, How to Take A Breath, she explains why there is more to it than just breathing in and breathing out.
- 12 October 2021
It's finally here - the comprehensive handbook on all things breathing.
What are the four things that fuel you ???
- 22 September 2021
Top tips for recognition of someone not coping and exercises to help boost a weary nervous system, turn down the tension.
It's WORLD Physiotherapy Day!
- 9 September 2021
BradCliff would like to acknowledge the incredible work over the last year...
Breathing is misunderstood.
- 2 July 2021
There's a big difference between breathing and meditation, breathing for wellness and breathing for health.
Exploring the art of breathing
- 14 June 2021
2 MINUTE READ from Better Breathing Magazine - Winter 2021 by Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ
Treating Long Covid - Online Course
- 25 March 2021
What you need to know and what you can do in clinical practice.
Anxiety in the age of COVID
- 9 February 2021
Over the last 6 months we have seen a surge in cases of anxiety and health anxiety in our clinical caseload.
How modern life can ruin your breathing
- 8 January 2021
An ear, nose and throat specialist suspected she had a breathing pattern disorder ...
BradCliff Breathing Christmas Message
- 23 December 2020
This year in particular, and in those countries who are still in various stages of lockdown, many face a Christmas alone or isolated from family...
Breathing rehabilitation - the new CBT of the decade?
- 7 December 2020
Breathing well and neuropsychological resilience for our children.
The effect of breathing retraining on the cardiovascular system
- 23 October 2020
- an update. We thought we'd focus on the role of breathing on the cardiovascular system.
Breathing well with rehabilitation post Covid
- 30 September 2020
It is important that anyone who experiences breathing difficulties seek professional help.
It is scary when you can’t breathe.
- 14 August 2020
Breathless? WHY? Poor fitness? Anxiety / Fatigue? Lung pathology?
Please Walk Clockwise - Part 3
- 1 June 2020
The main physiological roles of breathing, when CO2 goes down- airway connection/muscle aches & fatigue and the role of pH and homeostasis.
Announcing our 3rd Scholarship winner!
- 8 May 2020
Kristina Saul from TuneUp Physio in Christchurch, Vocal Physiotherapist
Announcing another Scholarship winner!
- 5 May 2020
My name is Melanie and I am a Perth-based physiotherapist.
Please Walk Clockwise - Part 2
- 1 May 2020
The importance of a good breathing rhythm, droplet projection, especially if the exhale is bigger and more forced and the significance of breathing through our nose vs mouth.
Announcing one of four scholarship winners ...
- 30 April 2020
Jen Edge, Physiotherapist from Dubbo New South Wales Australia
Please Walk Clockwise - Part 1
- 1 April 2020
On my morning walk, I came across a sign that read 'Please Walk Clockwise'.
Hidden epidemic of the 21st Century
- 21 February 2020
Some 700 cases of the hyperventilation syndrome have been studied in the respiratory physiology department of Papworth Hospital.
BradCliff Breathing congratulates Michael Ballentine...
- 4 February 2020
... a scholarship recipient for the upcoming Level 1 course held in Vancouver.
Breathe well and you will be well. The health fix of the decade.
- 23 January 2020
Breathing is the most amazing tool we have to help us through life. Physio business makes breath-testing a practice with global reach
- 28 November 2019
A specialist form of respiratory physiotherapy which is growing in demand as stress and mental health issues escalate.
How do your clients or even your own MIP compare to a Super Rugby player?
- 17 October 2019
Breathing Dysfunction in Sports
MINA PHILLIPS: Supporting your teenager’s mental health
- 2 September 2019
The number of New Zealand youth experiencing anxiety and depression continues to increase. How to calm your breath when you’re stressed
- 22 August 2019
Stressed out and sighing, or yawning through your day?
Case study: Asthma and a stubborn chest infection
- 15 June 2019
People don’t realise how drastically a bad breathing technique can affect them, but by learning how to breathe properly the effects can be literally life changing.
Top 5 tips for staying healthy through the winter
- 9 June 2019
Last year I was trying to be superman for a 6-month period through winter...
TVNZ The Project: How to Sleep | #PillowTalk
- 28 November 2018
To cap off Sleep Week we host a live demo to share our top sleep tip.
I can't breathe! The Breathless Teenager.
- 13 June 2018
Sometimes it's not 'all in their head' - teenagers can be particularly vulnerable to breathing dysfunction.
Did you know that physiotherapy can help you overcome problems with breathing?
- 14 May 2018
The history of physiotherapy and breathing re-education.
Breathing through the ages
- 4 April 2018
At the age of 15, a light bulb moment occurred for me in the biology lab.
MAS Magazine: Don't Hold Your Breath
- 15 January 2018
Talk for more than 5 minutes to Tania Clifton-Smith and you're suddenly aware that you are holding your breath...
The Listener: Can you overcome stress with the power of breathing?
- 13 September 2017
If we can control the mechanical way we respond to stress, we could reduce anxiety.
Asthma Respiratory Foundation Conference 2016
- 9 May 2017
Day One: Breathing Dysfunction/ Breathing Pattern Disorders
Government Policy Change Spurs Physios To Take Action!
- 10 April 2017
Two enterprising physiotherapists are urging New Zealand physiotherapists to join a trail-blazing health initiative to counter a government withdrawal of key physiotherapy funding.
Breathing Pattern Disorders and the Athlete
- 8 March 2017
If breathing is not normalised no other movement pattern can be. COPD (lung disease), physiotherapy can help
- 3 May 2012
NZ Nationwide Breathe easier with physiotherapy campaign. Asthma - Breathe Easier with Physiotherapy
- 3 May 2012
NZ Nationwide Breathe easier with physiotherapy campaign. Benefits of physiotherapy for asthma and COPD
- 3 May 2012
Medical experts – on Breathing pattern disorders. NZ Nationwide Breathe easier with physiotherapy campaign. Dinah Bradley & The Slow Breathing Movement
- 21 July 2011
Breathing is a tool we all have, one of such simplicity that its power is easily overlooked.
NZ Herald: Learning how to breathe easy.
- 23 August 2010
Gill South learns breathing properly isn’t as easy as she thought and requires serious practice.
Little Treasures Magazine: Take a breather
- 1 August 2010
I've discovered I'm a mouth breather, and what's the bet you are too.
The Listener: Anxiety
- 17 July 2010
A letter to The Listener: “Panic stations” missed out one thing: hyperventilation syndrome.
Pharmacy Today: Address breathing technique
- 1 June 2009
Not addressing breathing patterns of asthmatics is negligent.
VOXY: New Zealand’s Alarming Asthma Rate Due To Bad Breathing Say Authors
- 4 May 2009
Two internationally recognised breathing experts have called for the promotion of drug-free alternatives to asthma treatments to help the more than 600,000 New Zealanders with a respiratory illness.
TV3: Drug-free alternatives to asthma needed
- 4 May 2009
Drug-free alternatives to asthma treatment need to be promoted, two internationally recognised breathing experts say.