It is scary when you can’t breathe.
- 14 August 2020
Breathless? WHY? Poor fitness? Anxiety / Fatigue? Lung pathology?
As Covid continues to plague the world, more of us are paying attention to our respiratory symptoms and how we breathe. We question every snuffle, persistent cough, sore throat. Maybe this is it – maybe I have Covid?
The breath is certainly having its day and telling us loud and clear it is the conductor of the orchestra affecting all body functions, the way we think, the way we feel and even our moods.
The series Please walk clockwise gave you an overview of the depth and scope breathing has on us from a MindBody perspective.
As a clinician and someone who has worked in this field for 30 years, the words “it is scary when I can’t breathe” still ring clearly in my ear. To witness the fear, anxiety and confusion on someone's face when breathing becomes difficult triggers an immediate response in all respiratory therapists. We want to help, to enquire WHY someone is symptomatic and then to teach individuals how to ease symptoms appropriately. Breathing well and understanding what this means is not simple.
That is why we encourage individuals, if they are concerned, to seek expert help and a qualified health professional working in this field. Find a Physio
BradCliff practitioners are highly skilled, qualified health practitioners. Science proved methods and techniques are the basis of their tool kit. Rehabilitation and education of breathing should be left to the experts.
Become a BradCliff trained practitioner and join this fast growing group of highly skilled health professionals.
Level 1 Online Course outline
The BradCliff Methodology has 12 sections. These are constantly up dated and reviewed. For Level 1, the following sections will be covered:
Week 1
Introduction to the BradCliff Method and Manual
Biomechanics, Psychophysiology, Biochemistry
Subjective assessment
Week 2
What is a normal breathing pattern?
Objective assessment
Week 3
Basic treatment
Relax - breathe
Week 4
Evidence Based Practice
Case histories
Week 5
Activity and Movement
Inspiratory Muscle Training (IMT)
Integrated Chest
Week 6
Speak Breathe, Stress
The business of breathing
Review Concepts
Each week will require between 2-4 hours participation totalling 25 hours of CME including the pre reading.
Upcoming Courses:
Level 2
November 14/15th in Auckland
This looks to be a really stimulating and educational weekend, Book now to make the early bird.
See more detail here
Level 1
Please spread the word to colleagues re Level 1 course online September 2020.
See more detail here.