DIAPHRAGM ULTRASOUND self-directed course
Bradcliff Breathing Method®
SELF-DIRECTED, ONLINE - start anytime, in your own time!
In this course, you'll learn about Ultrasound Imaging of the Diaphragm in Breathing Pattern Disorders / Dysfunctional Breathing.
This Ultrasound Course was developed by Scott Peirce and is self directed to watch and complete in your own time. This course will give you the knowledge and skills to assess the Diaphragm using Ulltrasound - including step by step instructions on machine setup, how to image Diaphragm excursion, Diaphragm thickness and how to interpret and recognise patterns of wasting and dysfunction in BPD.
This course is led by Scott Peirce MHSc (Physio). Scott is a Co-Director of BradCliff Breathing Method, and is also a hands on Clinician in the field of Breathing Pattern Disorders and Dysfunctional Breathing at Breathing Works Ltd. Scott recently completed research specifically looked at Diaphragm wasting in BPD. Furthermore he has over 15 years of clinical experience in using ultrasound in a rehab and physiotherapy setting.
The Diaphragm Ultrasound Self Directed Course is 8 CME hours – and you can do it completely at your own pace.
Course curriculum
- Introduction
- Welcome to the course - Ultrasound Imaging of the Diaphragm
- Course Learning concepts
- The biomechanics of breathing
- The biochemistry of breathing
- The psychoneurohysiology of breathing
- Scope of practice and personal background to USI
- Machine setup and probes used to get the image
- Diaphragm Excursion: Anatomy and technical background
- Diaphragm Excursion: Step by step instructions
- Diaphragm Excursion Practical on USI (machine A)
- Diaphragm Excursion Practical Right side and Left side
- Diaphragm Excursion Practical on USI (machine B)
- Diaphragm Excursion: image interpretation
- Diaphragm Thickness - theory
- Diaphragm Thickness -settings for optimal scanning
- Diaphragm Thickness - practical - getting the diaphragm thickness image (part A)
- Diaphragm Thickness: Practical with thickness measurements (part B)
- Diaphragm thickness -Image Interpretation
- Evidence Base and USI Machine Comparison
- More resources and next steps....
Once you have purchased your course, you will need to use your Thinkific link & login to access. This is created when you register. Please bookmark the login page for future reference.
NOTE: If your employer will be funding this course, please fill in the form below so we can generate an invoice and send on to them.
Our next BradCliff practitioner course:
"I really enjoyed doing Scott's Bradcliff diaphragm ultrasound self-directed course! It is all online, you do it at your own pace, can re-watch the videos as you practice. Whether you did the Bradcliff level 1 and 2 or not, it is a key workshop to have if you have an interest in ultrasound imaging and breathing pattern disorders.
Don't worry... the bases are briefly revisited to allow you to consolidate your knowledge and build up toward using the diaphragmatic ultrasound in clinic everyday. And for you who didn't do any Bradcliff course, you'll have enough to integrate this new tool in your clinical practice and learn about breathing pattern disorder and its relevance. Scott gives us the theory, the practical tips, clinical examples and scientific evidence to support the use of ultrasound imaging of the diaphragm in the physiotherapy scope of practice, everything you need to learn the skills and gain the confidence to use it everyday. Dig in and enjoy!"
- Frederique Daigle, Physiotherapist, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada.