Meet our latest Level 1 scholarship winners
- 10 August 2023
We're extremely passionate about meeting the huge need for health professionals trained to recognise and treat disordered breathing. We receive patient enquiries on a daily basis from all over the world, requesting information about services in their region.
"I feel so incredibly lucky and privileged to have been given a scholarship to complete level 1 of Bradcliff. I have just recently made the move into Sussex and have now set up my own private practice here as there is such a need in the area. I can't wait to gain extra tools that I can use with my patients and spread the breathing pattern word even further."
- Helene Bellas, England
"I am so grateful to be awarded this scholarship. I have heard many great things about this course. I live in North India and work at a community Hospital on the foothills of the Himalayan mountains. We serve a wide variety of patients, mostly from the community and surrounding villages. We are situated at 300Om above see level. I am very excited to start learning more about breathing better especially at higher altitudes."
- Madeleine van der Merwe, India
"Thank you so much for awarding me a scholarship. I'm very excited to start the course and network with physiotherapists across the globe.
I currently work for the NHS based in Plymouth, UK treating respiratory patients daily; both on acute wards and in an outpatient clinic. The amount of referrals I am receiving for assessment and management of breathing pattern disorders either with or without a background of respiratory disease is increasing all the time. These are often complex cases and as such I am always keen to develop my knowledge base and expertise to treat such patients as effectively as possible.
BradCliff level 1 course presents as the perfect opportunity to achieve this."
- Katie Bentley, Senior Respiratory Physiotherapist, England
"I'm so grateful to have received a scholarship for the level one BradCliff Breathing course.
I've been working as a Respiratory Therapist for 7 years and have worked with adults and pediatrics in a multitude of settings including the ICU, emergency room, internal medicine, the OR, homecare and within the cardiopulmonary function lab. My passion for both the art and science of breathing, coupled with a desire to empower those within my community better manage their respiratory conditions, has helped me shift from working in a hospital setting to starting my own practice.
I've always believed that our breath is a superpower, and I am committed to help as many people unlock this superpower so that they can not only breathe better, but live better. I absolutely love what I do, and to have this opportunity to further expand my knowledge is a dream come true. Thank you so much!"
- Kelsey Rivard
Thank you for this fantastic opportunity of a scholarship to the BradCliff Breathing course. Ive been following BradCliff’s work for a few years and so I am excited to have the opportunity to learn more and be able to share my new knowledge to improve the lives of my patients.
I work as Respiratory Nurse Educator in Lakes Entrance Eastern Victoria, Australia. I see patients with different breathing disorders either chronic or sometimes acute. In the last 2 years people with long Covid. I believe by implementing the BradCliff Breathing Method I'll be able help people in this area that are unable to access this type of service without having to travel 3-4 hrs.”
- Juana ford, Australia
“I'm so thrilled to have received a scholarship for the Bradcliff Breathing Level 1 course. I am a MSK physiotherapist in the UK, where I have predominantly worked in professional soccer. My work sparked a passion for a deeper understanding of the anatomy and physiology of movement, which I came to realise cannot be separated from the breath.
I'm thoroughly looking forward to learning more about the anatomy and physiology of breathing to better help my athletes with a holistic approach to their overall health and performance.”
- Victoria McIntyre, UK
"Thank you for awarding me a BradCliff Breathing level one scholarship. I am overwhelmed with excitement and grateful for the opportunity to learn alongside respiratory therapists from around the world!
I'm a South African Physiotherapist currently completing a MSc in ICU and Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy. I am deeply passionate about pulmonary rehabilitation because if a patient is not breathing well, they’re likely not enjoying the benefits of other forms of therapy. Having dedicated the last five years to serving a community massively impacted by acute and chronic cardiorespiratory conditions, I am humbled by their struggles and triumphs. I am looking forward to growing in knowledge and skill to better serve my patients."
- Jamie Reizenberg, South Africa
"I'm so very grateful to have received a scholarship towards my Level 1 study. I'm a physiotherapist with over 10 years experience in special education, and currently work in a special needs school in Rotorua New Zealand. I'm looking forward to this course as I would like to integrate the Bradcliff Breathing Method into my practice.
Many neurodiverse students seem to live in a state of heightened stress response, finding it difficult to self-regulate. Additionally, those supporting our students have additional stresses, and control of breathing a valuable tool to support mental health and wellbeing. Eventually, I would also like to support my wider community here in Rotorua. Thank you once again to the team at Bradcliff for your generous assistance."
- Ann Dooley, New Zealand
"I feel very excited and privileged to have been offered a scholarship towards completing the Bradcliff Breathing Method, Level 1. I have almost 20 years experience working in Public Health and respiratory Physiotherapy has always been a key area of my practice whilst working across a range of outpatient, inpatient, rehabilitation and aged care settings.
I'm passionate about providing high quality, evidence based and client centred care for people with a wide range of disabilities and medical conditions. This scholarship opportunity will assist me to develop skills in breathing dysfunction as I embark on the exciting opportunity to provide private respiratory physiotherapy services in the Northern Tablelands region of NSW. From my base town in Guyra I plan on providing a mobile Physiotherapy service. This model will provide me with the opportunity to service a large geographical area, see clients in their own homes and offer a specialised service to a rural population."
- Celia Croaker, Australia
"As you can see by my photo, I am very excited to have received a scholarship for the BradCliff Level 1 course. This is something I have always desired to do to consolidate my knowledge and clinical practice, but something that I never seemed to have had the time or finance to do. I have never even thought about applying for a scholarship before and winning a financial contribution towards upskilling is an affirmation by BradCliff that what I do as a physiotherapist working in respiratory is valued and appreciated.
I work in the Community Respiratory Service delivering Better Breathing Pulmonary rehabilitation in Waitaha/Canterbury. The region ranges from Kaikoura in the North through to Ashburton on the south. Our group community-based programme is run in various location throughout Christchurch/Otautahi and Rangiora. Running alongside this we have a telehealth programme to cater for those who live rurally , unable to attend due to work commitments, have travel limitations or other factors. We received over 600 referrals a year from health professionals including General Practitioners, nurses, respiratory physicians, and physiotherapists. We work will people with various lung conditions. Most of the participants we see have COPD but ILD, Bronchiectasis, chronic asthma and breathing pattern disorders are also common. We are part of the Integrated Respiratory Service."
- Mersha Shepherd, New Zealand
Thanks BradCliff for awarding me the scholarship and giving me the opportunity to do your Level 1 course. I’m an Occupational Therapist working in Johannesburg, South Africa, with a practice focusing on pain management, oncology and hand therapy. I also have a secondary business focusing on wellbeing, including nature-based wellbeing and breathwork in the community. I’ve been using different forms of breathwork for both physical and psychological work, and can’t wait to deepen my skills and knowledge to help and empower my clients more. Breathing well, I believe, is the most powerful natural, whole-person medicine that we have. Thank you BradCliff!
- Jennifer Blenkinsop, South Africa
"I feel honoured to have received a scholarship to the Level 1 BradCliff course and look forward to collaborating with global colleagues.
For 18 months, I've practiced as a Senior Respiratory Physiotherapist at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital (SCGH) in Perth, WA. During this time, our Physiotherapy Airways Outpatient Clinic has experienced rising numbers of referrals for patients with breathing pattern disorders.
Enhancing my clinical expertise through the BradCliff course is an important step in being able to provide specialised care to this population and ultimately contributing to service development."
- Kate Lee, Australia
"I'm a physiotherapist from Slovakia and deeply grateful for being awarded the scholarship for the Level 1 course in the BradCliff Breathing Method. This opportunity will play a pivotal role in advancing my career. With a background in neurology, orthopedics, and sports traumatology dating back to 2012, I've realized the importance of proper breathing for the successful outcomes of physiotherapy. To restore function to the entire body system, I've delved into the study of breathing patterns and their profound influence on core stabilization, post-surgery physiotherapy, and sports performance.
I've combined this knowledge with my personal experiences as a long-term ashtanga yoga practitioner and freediver, as well as my collaboration with a meditation teacher. Since 2017, I have been sharing this knowledge through courses and workshops I developed, available in both online and live formats.
After dedicating two years to freediving training in Dahab, Egypt, South Sinai, I relocated to Tenerife, Canary Islands. I am now eager to deepen my understanding through the BradCliff method course, aiming to make a significant impact on the field of physiotherapy and help cultivate a healthier and more informed society.
Once again, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for this scholarship. Your support and confidence in my journey are truly cherished."- Daniela Dvorská, Mgr. Fyzioterapeut / Odborný poradca
Konzultácie & Kurzy & Workshopy
Freediving & Joga & Meditácia
"Thank you very much for awarding me a Bradcliff Scholarship.
I'm a respiratory physiotherapist working within the inpatient and outpatient department at Te Whatu Ora, Tairawhiti.
I've been successfully running a breathing retraining clinic for adults and paediatrics over the past year. My referrals are mainly from GPs, respiratory physicians, pediatricians, physiotherapists and nurse specialists. This service has increased in referrals due to the demand and the success of my clinic.
I'm very passionate about using breathing as a tool to allow patients to take control of their physiology, wellness and general health.
I have completed training with Tess Graham, Physiotherapist (Australia) and I am very honoured to be given the opportunity to advance my knowledge and clinical skills. I am extremely passionate about providing best evidence-based practise within my community and creating an awareness of the importance of this service with MDT colleagues. The Bradcliff training will also allow me to have a broader network of therapists within this specialist field."
- Marie Mayock, New Zealand