Government Policy Change Spurs Physios To Take Action!
- 10 April 2017
Two enterprising physiotherapists are urging New Zealand physiotherapists to join a trail-blazing health initiative to counter a government withdrawal of key physiotherapy funding.
In November this year, the National Government will withdraw the physiotherapy ACC EPN funding from private physiotherapy practices.
Dinah Bradley and Tania Clifton-Smith, authors of Dynamic Breathing and Breathe Stretch and Move argue that the government reforms highlight the need for physiotherapists to diversify.
“Whether physiotherapists like it or not, the government is making changes to ACC funding and we need to adapt,” they say, “our clinics are 98% ACC free”.
They argue that healthcare is changing and so the traditional physiotherapy practice of rehabilitation must begin to encompass health promotion.
“New markets are emerging and we need to position ourselves as a profession that offers consumers the best services for the best health outcomes. More and more people are demanding optimal health options while the government is striving for better management of chronic health conditions. Balanced breathing is the first step to good physiological and physical health.”
And they should know. Their BradCliff Method has grown out of the successful treatment programmes developed by Auckland-based Breathing Works, which was co-founded by Bradley and Clifton-Smith in 1999.
The BradCliff method is a structured physiotherapy treatment programme for breathing pattern disorders, already being effectively used in Breathing Works’ clinics.
Bradley and Clifton-Smith, New Zealand trained physiotherapists, are internationally recognised experts in the field of breathing pattern disorders.
Given the reputation of their BradCliff Method and the consistent results they achieve, it’s no surprise they have clients from all over the world wanting to learn their unique method.
“Twenty four of our smart physiotherapy colleagues have recognised the need for this service, which is free from ACC, and on the 20th of June our method goes nationwide,” say the pair. “It is absolutely inspiring .”